We are in the midst of a health crisis in this country that is largely self-induced.
The most prevalent diseases plaguing the United States are caused by diet, lifestyle, and environmental circumstances, yet are treated with toxic drugs and unnecessary surgeries. To tackle our nation’s health problems we need practitioners that are equipped with the resources and knowledge to address the causes of chronic issues. Functional Nutrition fits the mold for a new paradigm that teaches us that food is powerful medicine, each person is biochemically unique, and that the body has the ability to heal itself when given the right substances. The functional nutritionist will provide clients with knowledge about the most important element to change their health: the food on the ends of their forks.
I have been a passionate advocate of natural health and nutrition for 13 years. While I was a senior at Philadelphia University, I began reading about natural health, nutrition, and herbs. Dietary changes put a halt to my migraine headaches, IBS, chronic hives, and PMS issues. After my brother was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2006, I shared my greatly expanding book collection and newly gained knowledge with him. As a result, he decided to pursue a holistic treatment plan that centered around food as his medicine. Nearly thirteen years later, my brother is symptom free, yet never has taken a drug for Crohn’s disease. His healing and my own healing journey have motivated me to pursue nutrition as a career.
My journey thus far has gotten me accepted into the Naturopathic Medicine program at University of Bridgeport in 2012, though my husband and I were blessed with a baby boy and I was not able to attend. I became an AFPA Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant in 2013, which allows me to work with clients in private practice, as part of E3 Health & Wellness Center and now Ampersand, as well as to consult and provide wellness and nutrition services for Berks County employees since 2016. I recently obtained my Master of Science in Human Nutrition degree through the University of Bridgeport, which greatly expanded my knowledge of functional medicine and nutrition. I am proud to have maintained a 4.0 GPA while working 2 different jobs and being a hands-on mom and wife. I have also begun coursework through the Institute for Functional Medicine, attending their Annual International Conference on Autoimmunity in 2018. I will be continuing certification through IFM. I am currently fulfilling my Functional Nutrition Residency and Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) hours with Dr. Kara Fitzgerald, ND of the Sandy Hook Clinic. She and her team are amazing mentors, putting the tenants and tools of Functional Medicine and Nutrition to work every day to help clients with very complex issues to heal. My experience with her has been invaluable to my work as a clinician.
What to Expect When We Work Together
I have been a Nutrition and Wellness Consultant for 7.5 years, servicing clients of Berks County and beyond, via tele-consultations. I have collaborated and continue to work with Western Berks Physical Therapy, the County of Berks for their employees, and in private practice. Working with clients has solidified my knowledge and education about the power of food to heal. I help those looking to lose or gain weight and provide nutritional support for those with digestive issues, autoimmune issues, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, to improve physical athletic performance and stamina, hormonal imbalances, fertility issues, and chronic issues such as migraines, skin issues, and more.
When entering a consulting relationship, my role is a coach, teammate, mentor, support, and guide to help a client take on healthy eating and lifestyle changes. I will help to construct a foundation for wellness nutrition based on current scientific research, assist in the development of healthy eating habits, and offer a personalized nutritional plan for optimizing health. No two people are the same and individualization is key.
My dream to be a Functional Nutritionist working with a team of like-minded practitioners in a wellness center is being fulfilled with the creation of Ampersand Integrative Wellness!
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