Are You Truly Leading Your Best Self?

Are You Truly Leading Your Best Self?

When my clients sign up with me, they are riding this “high of excitement” that they are ready to make the changes and take the steps in improving their overall self and self-image. Can I help them? Can I guide them? Absolutely. Will they follow through? That is 100%...
What Does Feeling “Good” Mean?

What Does Feeling “Good” Mean?

Feeling Well Enough to Feel Good or Even Great      It’s May 2020. Usually this time of year I would be getting ready to get out on the water, or have family picnics, graduations, weddings, and all kinds of other seasonal activities. Instead of spending time with...
From the eyes of a School Teacher: COVID-19

From the eyes of a School Teacher: COVID-19

Interview with Montgomery County Elementary School Special Education Teacher     What did the path leading to teaching online during this pandemic look like? “So many questions. So much stress. Not knowing what each week, day, hour was going to look like. On...
Preventing Eye Strain

Preventing Eye Strain

Tips on preventing digital eye strain   The current Covid 19 situation has many of us working from home and logging long hours on  computers and other devices. This can lead to digital eye strain. Digital eye strain is defined as the physical discomfort felt...
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