Women’s Wellness

Close your eyes. And let your favorite women come to mind.

What about these particular women helped them make your favorite list and what do you notice happens 

inside when they come to mind?


I stand with a stronger spine, laugh more naturally, feel an overwhelming warmth in my heart and my 

whole body relaxes when in the presence of my favorite woman, imagined or real. My quirks – like a snort –

rises joyfully to the surface and I feel an expansiveness all over my body. My whole self feels right at home, 

present for each drop, not wanting to miss a second of this experience.



My relationship to other females over the years bore many challenges that – as I came to bond with 

others – turned out I wasn’t so alone in these challenges. There was competition, jealousy and gossiping 

just to name a few and for a while I thought, this was just girl culture. I didn’t want to accept this but save 

for a handful of close and grateful friendships, it seemed inevitable. And even more, I really felt the loss of 

close females as we have so much wisdom and support and love to offer each other that our men can’t.



Gratefully, many of these less savory behaviors waned with maturity and I can say with a bursting heart, 

all of my faves are those who lift me up, encourage me to shine, feel more powerful in my presence and 

EXPECT me to grow into the version of me that feels the best, on my terms. They envelop me with 

curiosity, acceptance, trust, accountability and compassion, joining me in my dark spaces and 

celebrating my accomplishments.   


So, when we consider women’s wellness – may I invite you to remember that WE are each others best 

advocates in the way we regard and treat one another. Lift each other up OR squash each other – and the 

next time you are presented with this choice – will you pause, get present, and choose LIFT – both for the 

gal who’s day you are about to make AND for yourself and the way you’ll feel in the aftermath?



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