Give Yourself a Mental Refresh

Give Yourself a Mental Refresh

Starting over isn’t easy, especially when it is being forced upon you.  But the good thing to know is that you can create new beginnings of your own free will anytime you need to.  Your mental health is much like clay, it is resilient and malleable to a fresh start at...
Mental Health and the Holidays

Mental Health and the Holidays

Tis’ the season Here we are again, another year has passed us by and we have reached back around to the holiday season. Last November, I focused on the holiday season during a pandemic. And while some things may not have changed with regards to COVID-19, this...
How to Live a Full Life

How to Live a Full Life

If you got a chance to catch my last blog about Fostering Happiness, today we are going to expand on that by getting more in-depth on the idea of inspired living and how to live more fully.  If for any reason you missed that blog, go ahead and check that out first. 🙂...
Fostering Happiness

Fostering Happiness

What is happiness? For years, philosophers, theologians, psychologists, and even economists have tried to unify a definition. Today, the most accepted definition is, “happiness is a state of well-being that encompasses living a good life, one with a sense of meaning...
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