by Jesse Hershey | Aug 7, 2022 | Exercise, Overall Wellness, Uncategorized
Why Move More? There are many things a person can do to implement more movement into their life. More movement can be warranted if someone: has a sedentary job wants to burn more calories or wishes to build some strength and stability. Start Slowly Whatever...
by Jesse Hershey | Jun 21, 2022 | Overall Wellness, Uncategorized
CELEBRATE THE DAILY VICTORIES As I get older, I realize how important it is to celebrate. Personally, I’m good at being hard on myself when I do not live up to my own expectations. For example, eating a very clean diet is very difficult for me to adhere...
by Ashley Borgatta | Sep 3, 2021 | Uncategorized
What is happiness? For years, philosophers, theologians, psychologists, and even economists have tried to unify a definition. Today, the most accepted definition is, “happiness is a state of well-being that encompasses living a good life, one with a sense of meaning...
by Laural Miller | Aug 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
Friendships & Immunity It is said that friendships enrich your life and improve your health. (Mayo Clinic) For this blog I thought it would be great to talk about a topic that many of us may not correlate directly to immunity. When we look at the wheel of...
by Jesse Hershey | Oct 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
“In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else.” – Lee Lacocca I have a few clients who are teachers who I am currently seeing on a limited basis due to their busy schedules this...
by Ashley Borgatta | Oct 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
October 5th is Teacher Appreciation Day?!?! Is this something that was always in place? I don’t seem to remember it growing up. With the impact teachers have on our development you would think it would be made into more of a big deal, celebrating those that educate,...
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