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Aligning with the Seasons: Yin and InnerYoga – 3 Class Series – IN PERSON!
October 16, 2022 @ 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Just as the seasons flow in cycles, so do our lives. This series of classes invites us to pause and to support the whole body—physical, emotional, and energetic—through these seasonal transitions. This soothing and balancing yin yoga series is designed for EVERYbody—beginner to advanced—inviting us to take a grounding respite from a busy summer before turning inward in the months to come. Together we will weave a cocoon of sacred time to be with ourselves, nature, and to align with our true inner nature.
Join Yoga & Meditation Instructor, Beth Harenza for a series comprised of 3 Love-Filled Classes, 2 ways:
LOCATION: Outdoors* nestled behind Ampersand Integrative Wellness. *indoors for inclement weather*
DATES: Sundays: Oct 2nd, Oct 16th & Nov 6th
TIME: 2:30 – 4 pm
COST: $20 for drop in/$55 for all three classes. *indoors for inclement weather*
Feel free to stay after class for a balancing, seasonal Ayurvedic tonic and snack! (Included in price)
LOCATION: The comfort of your own home!
DATES: Wednesdays: Oct 5th, Oct 19th & Nov 2nd
TIME: 6-7:30 p.m
COST: $15 per class / $42 for all three
TO REGISTER: PRE-REGISTRATION FOR ALL CLASSES STRONGLY ENCOURAGED, AS IN-PERSON SPACE IS LIMITED! To assure yourself a spot in class, Please pre-register with Beth by emailing bharenza@ampersandintegrative.com or calling (347) 804-6256
Class 1:
Bringing Down the Flame: We will rejoice in the connection, energy, and love that the fire element brings with summer, while bringing the sometimes frenetic flame to a sustained simmer. The result is a balanced, relaxed sense of peace, with just enough heat, or agni, to keep us healthful and moving forward in the months to come.
Class 2:
Cradling the Baby: we will create a soft place to land and then attune to our inner landscapes—toward a place of listening and nurturance. Here, we attend to the Earth element, grounding ourselves before we begin to contract with the next turn of the dial, unwinding the physical body, nourishing our souls content.
Class 3:
Human Touching the Divine: Here, we attend to the metal element. We begin to turn inward for autumn and beyond while cultivating the faith and courage to surrender, letting go of what does not serve us…and we integrate what has sustained us.
Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth. —Henry David Thoreau
About Yin Yoga: Yin yoga is a soothing, comforting practice wherein the body and mind surrender themselves into relaxing, supported poses. These poses remove stagnation deep in our bodies’ connective tissues. The energetic benefits of this style are steeped in Traditional Chinese Medicine, wherein the body’s meridian channels—rivers of energy—become nourished and free-flowing, stabilizing the emotional body to a balanced state of calm. The meditative quality of yin poses encourages deep inward attention and fosters awareness, inner kindness, breath, and ease.
About InnerYoga: InnerYoga is a therapeutic approach to yoga that invites deep inner listening It is a deeply nourishing practice that works with the subtle (energetic) body, while bringing balance and harmony to the physical, mental and emotional being. InnerYoga includes gentle active yoga, Yin Yoga, pranayama (breath work), energy medicine (ancient healing modalities), and Buddhist meditation practices. The philosophy and methodology of InnerYoga is deeply rooted in a variety of ancient wisdom practices as well as modern science. Most importantly, InnerYoga invites us to have a more skillful, loving relationship with ourselves—and with challenges in our bodies, hearts, and minds that arise in daily life.
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