The Power of Human Touch

The Power of Human Touch

Talking about suicide stirs up a wave of emotions. Emotions that I myself am far too familiar with. I have close friends and family members who have struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, the truth is not everyone wins this battle and I have...
Exercise Helps to Improve Mental Well-Being

Exercise Helps to Improve Mental Well-Being

Suicide is never easy to talk about. It’s really difficult to write about also. I think it is because I feel that someone may interpret my words the wrong way and may not fully understand my intent.  Therefore, that’s where I’m going to begin with writing this blog....
The Correlation Between Immunity & Exercise

The Correlation Between Immunity & Exercise

Now is a time when we are a little more conscious about our health. I guess a pandemic will do that. It’s difficult for me to totally dismiss the benefits of this situation. I don’t believe COVID-19 is a good thing, but I do believe some amazing things will happen...
Welcome Home

Welcome Home

This month I really struggled to write this blog. I started over what seemed like an infinite amount of times, wandering from angle to angle, none of them really capturing the heart of the message I longed to share. While Mental Health now has a month for awareness,...
What’s the Next Step in Your Fitness Journey?

What’s the Next Step in Your Fitness Journey?

Many have made the New Year’s resolution of exercising more, or “to get in shape”. This resolution can mean many things to different people, but usually it means moving more and/or eating healthy foods.    Whatever the goal, exercise and healthy eating complement...
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