Mental Health, Suicide Awareness, and Exercise

Mental Health, Suicide Awareness, and Exercise

Raise your hand if you know someone or are someone who has thought about or attempted suicide. How about someone suffering from anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or substance abuse? I would bet all of you have your hands raised.            ...
The Power of Human Touch

The Power of Human Touch

Talking about suicide stirs up a wave of emotions. Emotions that I myself am far too familiar with. I have close friends and family members who have struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, the truth is not everyone wins this battle and I have...
Building Resiliency Through Foods

Building Resiliency Through Foods

Over the past few months, the world focus on a pathogen sweeping the globe cannot be missed. Instead of keeping our eyes and ears on a scary outside invader, which makes us feel like helpless victims, I want to shift the thinking and efforts to strengthening the...
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