The Power of Human Touch

The Power of Human Touch

Talking about suicide stirs up a wave of emotions. Emotions that I myself am far too familiar with. I have close friends and family members who have struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, the truth is not everyone wins this battle and I have...
Immunity and Trauma Healing

Immunity and Trauma Healing

So, I am taking a walk and I ask my walking partner to switch sides with me because my hearing is better on the other side. He says,”Well, I should be walking on that side anyway (the side closest to the road) in order to protect you….” He immediately shares his...
Welcome Home

Welcome Home

This month I really struggled to write this blog. I started over what seemed like an infinite amount of times, wandering from angle to angle, none of them really capturing the heart of the message I longed to share. While Mental Health now has a month for awareness,...
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