by Stefano Sarge | May 29, 2020 | Overall Wellness
When my clients sign up with me, they are riding this “high of excitement” that they are ready to make the changes and take the steps in improving their overall self and self-image. Can I help them? Can I guide them? Absolutely. Will they follow through? That is 100%...
by Jesse Hershey | May 26, 2020 | Mental Health
Feeling Well Enough to Feel Good or Even Great It’s May 2020. Usually this time of year I would be getting ready to get out on the water, or have family picnics, graduations, weddings, and all kinds of other seasonal activities. Instead of spending time with...
by Jesse Hershey | Apr 22, 2020 | Exercise
In this video, I have given an example of what a small workout could look like to help with low back/lumbar stiffness. I say in the video that I haven’t done one in awhile and that’s because I have mixed feelings with exercise videos in general. Even after planning...
by Stefano Sarge | Feb 9, 2020 | Exercise
Why do we choose to wait until January? “I want to lose weight, get more sleep, or start going to the gym; “It’s almost New Year’s so I’ll start then and I’ll make that my ‘New Year’s Resolution!” Sound Familiar? Do you have to WAIT to start taking care of yourself?...
by Jesse Hershey | Feb 9, 2020 | Exercise
Many have made the New Year’s resolution of exercising more, or “to get in shape”. This resolution can mean many things to different people, but usually it means moving more and/or eating healthy foods. Whatever the goal, exercise and healthy eating complement...
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